Last week's webinar about moving forward in a workplace that has harmed you was epic! Fifty-seven attendees joined me for an hour of learning and sharing that were authentic and transformational.
If you missed the session, I've got you. It will be available for purchase soon.
In the meantime, check out my Stop Playing Diversity podcast episodes about practical ways to emerge from workplace harm or working in a harmful organization.
I never thought that I could turn my experiences into moments of healing, but I did! As I shared strategies, I was energized. I was in my zone. I was walking in my purpose.
To continue the conversation, I'm offering another free webinar. It builds on an article I wrote about the personas in an organization that can tear minoritized professionals down. This one is near and dear to me because it is for those firsts and onlies who feel like house plants in the desert.
You know what I mean.
You need nourishment that isn't present in the environment where you work. You need a certain amount of light and water to survive. You need special care, not because you're trying to take away from others, but because you are the first house plant in that desert.
I could go on and on with this metaphor, but what I'm saying is to reserve your spot at the webinar and peruse this article before you join me.
We're developing solutions for workplace issues that continue to plague us. Email me at is you need me.